Business and Finance

If you're looking for an industry area that offers the challenge of fast moving changes in work practices and technology, business and finance may be the one for you. In today's active and competitive business market place, the career opportunities are endless for a person with the right skills and knowledge.

Whether you need some basics to grow an idea into your own business, leadership skills so you can lead a team or be the boss one day,  specialist skills to get you into a career in sales and marketing, banking, accounting, bookkeeping, human resources, security or real estate, or you want to build your core business abilities such as problem solving, teamwork and organisational and communication skills, there's a qualification or course to suit.

Business skills cross over into every kind of industry and are transferable to almost any career – they can take you anywhere in the world. 

Skills ready: Free training and more!

Skills ready.

We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready as the WA economy recovers.

How about a free training course — yes... free! Or choose from over 70 half-price qualifications that match up with where the jobs are.

To meet the specific needs of businesses for COVID-19,  we have new skill sets — fast track training to get you job ready — and to make sure anyone can get skills ready we have made a range of courses available online at TAFE colleges.

Take a look!


Course list: Business and finance

Using this course list
The list presented here is only for this industry category.  You can select a qualification or course title to see a list of training providers in Western Australia who deliver it – then select a provider to find out more.

A full course list across all industry areas is available here

Industry categories
The list of courses displayed for a selected industry category is intended to assist individuals learn more about occupation and training pathways, and may not represent all possible pathways for an industry.  For further assistance on occupation and training pathways please contact your nearest Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64. 

Please note
The vocational education and training (VET) courses delivered in Western Australia on this course list are funded through the Department of Training and Workforce Development; these are referred to as publicly funded training.  A range of qualifications and courses for priority industry areas and occupations are subsidised under Jobs and Skills WA, to reduce the cost of training in priority skill areas. To find out more about which courses are subsidised, please take a look at the information available on the main Training page.

Other non-publicly funded courses are available through TAFE colleges and private providers; however these are not included in this course list. To find these other courses, you can search a list of all VET courses in WA via the website.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 51 courses

    Diploma of Leadership and Management

    National ID : BSB50420 | State ID : BFR7

    Leadership and management — What a great career move!

    This course is perfect for experienced people who have never undertaken any formal leadership training, or for people  who want to boost their leadership and/or management skills in preparation for that next big career move! 

    Diploma of Paralegal Services

    National ID : BSB50720 | State ID : BFR3

    Your honour, this is my future career!

    Want a legal career, without the wig part? Be a paralegal! 

    Diploma of Payroll Services

    National ID : FNS50422 | State ID : BHW7

    Hold the purse strings with this career!

    Would you like to further your career in accounts and payroll? This is the course for you!

    Diploma of Practice Management

    National ID : HLT57715 | State ID : AWI7

    Ready to take your medical management skills to the next level?

    The Diploma of Practice Management is the ideal qualification for experienced healthcare professionals who would like to progress their career to managing the operation of small to medium size health practices.

    Diploma of Project Management

    National ID : BSB50820 | State ID : BFT0

    Ready for next level Project Manager? This is the course for you!

    A successful project relies on the effectiveness of the entire project team, but it's the project manager who keeps it all together and makes it work. 

    Diploma of Work Health and Safety

    National ID : BSB51319 | State ID : BEQ9

    A safe bet for a good career

    Complete the Diploma of Work Health and Safety (WHS) and you have the skills to work in any organisation as a compliance officer, or WHS manager.

    Introduction to Digital Administration

    State ID : AF225

    Get job ready for a career in business or customer service!

    This skill set provide entry-level training towards starting work in a business or office, administration or customer service-based role across a range of industries. It includes a work placement component, so you get actual hands-on work experience. The units in this skill set also provide credit for further study if you go on to do a Certificate III in Business qualification or traineeship.

    Job Ready Basics Skill Set

    State ID : AE377

    Want to build your confidence and get job ready - Fee-free!

    Sometimes you need a little extra support and a confidence boost to get into a job — the Job Ready Basics short course skill set can do that!

    Manage Disrespectful, Aggressive or Abusive Customers Skill Set

    National ID : SIRSS00022 | State ID : AE320

    Boost your service skills — Fee-free!

    If you work in customer service — whether it's over the phone, online, or in person — you have probably encountered a challenging customer or two. Now you can learn skills and strategies to manage challenging customer behaviours and diffuse potentially confronting situations!

    Operate a Small Business Skill Set

    State ID : AE617

    Kickstart your small business — Fee-free!

    This short course skill set will prepare budding entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to operate your own business, and provide administrative support in a small business. Whether it's a side hustle, or a new full time enterprise, this skill set will mean you're set up for success in the exciting world of self employment.

    Displaying 41 - 50 of 51 courses