Digital Agronomy Skill Set

Jobs and Skills WA: Agriculture courses
Learn all the latest in ag technologies, including GIS — Fee-free!

The agriculture industry is embracing new technologies in all areas of production — from paddock to plate! Here’s your chance to get job ready for the exciting world of digital agronomy — the use of technology in the agriculture industry.

You'll learn how to identify, select and utilise a Geographic Information System (GIS) for sustainable agricultural systems and land-based production business; select and apply modern agricultural technology in production systems; use technologies for the recording and reporting of farm activities; utilise applications including spatial information tools; collect, interpret, enter and use agricultural data; and more!

Skill sets
Industry: Agriculture, Animals, Science and the Environment
WA State ID: AE405

This course is not currently available at any WA TAFE colleges or private training providers.
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For free advice and information about training courses and study options, please contact your local Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64.

The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.