English, Languages and Foundation Studies

This group of courses are designed to provide support and assistance to specialist groups. Some can give you a pathway into further training – for example; if you want to do an apprenticeship but need to improve your language or literacy skills or grow your confidence in using computers; or a pathway into employment if you have been out of the workforce for a while and need to refresh your employability skills and catch up with the world of work. 

There's also a range of English and language studies courses cater to and those who come from non-English backgrounds and want to learn to understand, speak, read and write English, or those who would like to improve their language and/or literacy skills.  For people who did not gain a qualification at high school, never had the opportunity to finish year 12, or feel they left school too long ago, there's the Certificate in General Education courses. 

As well as the qualifications listed here, other learning support programs are also available for eligible students – more information on these learning support programs is available here

Skills ready: Free training and more!

Skills ready.

How about a free training course — yes... free! You can also choose from over 180 qualifications with course fees slashed by half or more, or new free skill sets — fast track training to get you job ready. 

Whether you're looking for a job, thinking about a career change, or upskilling for your own development now's the time to get skills ready! 

We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready.

Take a look!


Using this course list
The list presented here is only for this industry category.  You can select a qualification or course title to see a list of training providers in Western Australia who deliver it – then select a provider to find out more.

A full course list across all industry areas is available here

Industry categories
The list of courses displayed for a selected industry category is intended to assist individuals learn more about occupation and training pathways, and may not represent all possible pathways for an industry.  For further assistance on occupation and training pathways please contact your nearest Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64. 

Please note
The vocational education and training (VET) courses delivered in Western Australia on this course list are funded through the Department of Training and Workforce Development; these are referred to as publicly funded training.  A range of qualifications and courses for priority industry areas and occupations are subsidised under Jobs and Skills WA, to reduce the cost of training in priority skill areas. To find out more about which courses are subsidised, please take a look at the information available on the main Training page.

Other non-publicly funded courses are available through TAFE colleges and private providers; however these are not included in this course list. To find these other courses, you can search a list of all VET courses in WA via the myskills.gov.au website.

Displaying 31 - 37 of 37 courses

    Digital Literacy Skill Set

    State ID : AE820

    Boost your digital skills, for further study or employment!

    If you are interested in a career in ICT but have limited digital literacy skills or experience with digital technologies, the Digital Literacy skill set could be a great choice. This course will help to build on the basic digital literacy skills and knowledge that you already have; to give you confidence in using computers, the internet and other digital devices. From here, you could go on to further study to build more skills and knowledge or even seek work experience or an entry level job in an ICT setting. 

    Diploma of Auslan

    National ID : PSP51018 | State ID : BDQ9

    Learn a new language, with a difference!

    This qualification will provide you with the skills to use Auslan in a range of specialised, complex and technical workplace exchanges across personal, learning, employment, social and community contexts.

    Diploma of Interpreting

    National ID : PSP50922 | State ID : BIB0

    Great career opportunities all around the world!

    We rely so much on communication in all aspects of life — work, business, politics, sport, media etc — and we're living in a global society where information is shared all around the world. This means there's always a need for skilled interpreters!

    Diploma of Interpreting (AUSLAN)

    National ID : PSP50922 | State ID : AE24

    An interesting career that can take you anywhere!

    If you've seen interpreters in action, you'll know this is a career that can take you anywhere! From personal interpreter services through to extravagant events, being an AUSLAN interpreter offers interesting and rewarding career opportunities.

    Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English)

    National ID : PSP50916 | State ID : AZY7

    Become an interpreter (languages other than English)!

    This qualification will give you the skills and knowledge to interpret from a source language to a target language, in general dialogue and monologue settings, to work as an interpreter in a range of community and business settings including healthcare; welfare and community services; educational and social contexts.

    Introduction to Interpreting Skill Set

    National ID : PSPSS00063 | State ID : AE892

    It's all open to interpretation!

    This introductory skill set is ideal for anyone considering a career as an interpreter. It will help you to gain the skills needed to be an interpreter.

    Job Ready Basics Skill Set

    State ID : AE377

    Want to build your confidence and get job ready - Fee-free!

    Sometimes you need a little extra support and a confidence boost to get into a job — the Job Ready Basics short course skill set can do that!

    Displaying 31 - 37 of 37 courses