Marine biologist

What they do

Marine biologists perform many varied tasks depending on their area of specialisation and the area they are working in. As part of research they could estimate numbers of marine animals, study communities of marine organisms or assess the effect of introduced species. They may develop programs for monitoring pollution and provide information on marine conservation. They will spend time preparing scientific reports and papers. They may also be involved in teaching and giving advice to managers, politicians, primary producers and the public.

Working conditions

Marine biologists would usually work a fairly typical work week. However, weekend work may also be required, for example when conducting experiments during field work. Marine biologists also work in an office or laboratory environment when preparing reports and papers. They will also spend time in rivers, the ocean or along the shore. This may involve time on fishing vessels or scuba diving.

Tools and technologies

Marine biologists must be familiar with the technology associated with their particular specialisation. They need to be capable of conducting experiments, typically in a laboratory, to complete the research process. They may also need to be able to skipper a boat and scuba dive.

How do I become one?

Education and training

To become a marine biologist you usually need to study a degree with a major in marine science, coastal and marine science, marine and freshwater biology or a related area.

Most universities in Western Australia offer relevant courses. Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.